So the very first Christmas I move away from home my family wakes up to a WHITE Christmas.
This is a big deal to Alabamians. I mean it was from 4-8 inches in some parts. I know what you are thinking if you live in a place where you get snow every winter... But 4 inches.. (that actually sticks) is a big deal to us. Everything shuts down. The interstates even shut down sometimes. Not because we are in panic mode.. but because our roads get icy and we don't have the equipment to clear the roads.
I was very jealous when i saw the pictures from Christmas morning at my house. This has to be the most snow we have gotten consistently since the blizzard of 93'... the year people STILL talk about like it was yesterday. Hilarious I know. I guess after this year people will be talking about the snow of 2010. Its about time.
Anyways. Im so ready to go on our Honeymoon to British Columbia. The weather channel said it was supposed to Snow in Dallas on Sunday.. Im not getting my hopes up. I DO hope it snows while we are in Canada. Look how pretty it is in BC when it does snow. Today: I am dreamy.
(pictures taken from google image search)
Daniel, Ray, Emmie, & Wesley in our backyard Christmas morning. Again... super jealous.
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