Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Thoughts of today:
Today is the 1st of March. Just saying 'March' makes me feel warm inside. January & February always sound so cold to me but March gives me the feeling that Spring is on its way. Hallelujah for that.
We are sitting on the couch with the windows & the door open, listening to Horse Feathers on Pandora, & planning on not having plans. I am thankful for days like today. I bought some flowers earlier and placed them by the window. I've been meditating on a few verses in my head.
The simple things are standing out on this Tuesday.. simple truths and simple things.
Iv'e been thinking about this quote by St. Augustine lately..
"O Lord, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." St. Augustine
It started last week when I heard a man explaining the Gospel to another man in Starbucks.  I've never been so encouraged and convicted by listening in on a conversation. I happened to sit down when the guy started sharing about the faith & hope we can have in God. He quoted off scripture to him left and right. This challenged me in my knowledge of scripture and in my sharing about this great hope.
The other night I left work exhausted in every way. I felt so weary from the weight of the world. I sat in my car a while thinking about what I would do without the hope that I have in God. I cannot depend on myself or other people to get me by. I can only put my faith and hope in Christ. (As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me psalm 40:17) Thinking about how so many people live without hope in Christ overwhelms me. Everything else fails but the love of God. Im thankful for that man in Starbucks who is sharing the hope he has with others and how God used him to remind me and to challenge me to do the same.
'Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.' (Hebrews 11:1-3)
Anyways, i'm going to end with the verse.
Here are a few pictures from last night. Josh Ritter is an amazing writer & super entertaining. I was thoroughly impressed to say the least.
Side note about the car picture: During our 2 year long distance relationship we drove a lot. We have taken SO many pictures in the car like this. It's always really funny for some reason.. placing the camera up on the dash while driving down the interstate.. I'm telling you.. it's the simple things ;)


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