Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Life around here lately:
1. Davis Ann and Brad's visit was so much fun. Davis Ann and I stayed up and talked every night till about 2:00am just like I figured we would. It was so refreshing to be around them. Brad & Matthew did lots of boy things while we got to run around the city. Thanks for coming to see me again Davis Ann :)
2. Matthew went to Chattanooga this past weekend. I pick him up from the airport tonight. I sure have missed him. It was weird sending 'I miss you' texts.. It was like we were in a long distance relationship all over again. Well, not really but It did bring back those feelings. I'm thankful I don't have a husband who travels very much. On a positive note it was nice to have a few days alone to reflect on my relationship with the Lord... to see how it has changed since we got married & to see what I need to change in my pursuit of my first love.
3. I've been thinking about this verse a ton lately:
'Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.' Hebrews 10:23-25
I have really missed community. Having Davis Ann and Brad here confirmed even more how important it is to have others encourage you, hold you accountable, and push you on in your faith. We are looking to move to TN. That is why Matthew went to Chattanooga this weekend. A few friends live there and many others live very close by. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but the thought of moving makes me giddy. On another note, the thought of looking for a new job makes me sick.
We are just trusting right now.
4. Overall I am happy. I have a God who loves me. A husband who I adore & who loves me well. And amazing friends & family. Why do I ever complain?!?

We didn't take very many pictures while our guests were here (shame on us). But here are the few we did take. The one of the boys on the bed cracks me up. (Yes, we still have no headboard but hey, its okay!)


Davis Ann said...

bahahahahaha i'll come visit you anytime! love those pics... hysterical.

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