I tell this story because these types of things happen frequently to me.. Thankfully it has been built in me to laugh at all problematic/ troublesome circumstances. I laugh at the wrong times and of course cry when i shouldn't.
The whole time this was happening i was wondering where Jessica was. In high school we did some pretty careless things. We ALWAYS got lost in HORRIBLE parts of towns (that topic could be a whole blog entry in itself), have run out of gas on the interstate, and driven miles and miles away from where we are with no practicality in mind. This characteristic we have has gotten on a ton of peoples nerves i do recall. And im sure, has stressed many out with our reckless abandonment desire to be adventurous, careless, and un concerned with the dangers that could come. Although these things do happen to us often we seem to always laugh it off even if it brings us to tears first. Im not sure whats wrong with me? why i always have these moments.. I hope in the future that as i get older i will become more less careless but still able to laugh things off so easily like i do now. It makes life not so stressful.
Jess and i are going to write a book one day. I know we have enough stories about our (what we think, although people say no one is as interesting as unique as they'd hope) interesting life to fill one up. Then again we have big plans with little resources and commitment ;) haha we may not have everything together but we have mastered the art of friendship, we always have fun together, can go weeks without talking and one day call the other one crying because we know the other is the only one who would understand. I can thankfully say she will be my best friend always.
Side note for the day:
Look at this awesome necklace i got over New Years in Nashville. I found the charm in a little old record store downtown. I saw them on a cardboard display panel from the 70's and knew i had to buy the 2 dollar charm. Lucky find in my opinion.
(oh p.s. it looks huge in the picture but its tiny! if that matters for for anything)
i do know everything about mechanics babe...duh!..good blog post and yes you and Jessica should write a book...
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