This past Sunday we made the trip to Austin, TX for our 6 month/3 year dating anniversary. They both fall in the same week so we figured it was a perfect excuse for a little getaway.
On Monday we started the day with Texas shaped waffles. They were pretty awesome and I'm sad I didn't get a picture. After breakfast we made a trip to the Capitol building, drove through the University of Texas, then stopped by at a famous bike shop for Matthew. We ended up eating lunch at a fish taco place that we later remembered was the same place we ate at during our 1yr anniversary in Santa Barbara, CA. Seriously, kinda cool huh? That afternoon we headed to Barton Springs where we rented kayaks. We met up with Blanton a little later who is one of Matthew's college friends. We got snow cones and he showed us around some cool areas in the city. The city is filled with so many things to do. I didn't really know what to expect but I was surprised at how urban it was. In a way it reminded me of the west coast. Basically I loved Austin and overall it was the perfect overnight trip.
P.S we kinda failed at taking pictures while we were there. Oh well.
Also, we move in like a week!? craaazy.
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