10 Highlights from our trip to Canada:
1. The weather. (beautiful fog, a few rain showers on the lazy days, and sunshine in the city.)2. Ice skating on Grouse Mountain. (Vancouver is cool for it's unique landscape. From downtown you can be either in the mountains or on the beach in 15 min.)
3. Ferry rides. (We had to ride a Ferry to get to Victoria and Pender Island.. they were really relaxing and fun to ride on.)
4. Fish and Chips. (Yummie)
5. The culture. (kinda like the U.S.. but kinda not.. Vancouver reminded me a little of the West Coast in the U.S. but it has it's own unique things about it.. I loved hearing different accents and languages..)
6. Night life. (although we did not venture out much for night life.. Vancouver is a city that DOES NOT SLEEP. People walk and ride bikes EVERYWHERE.. anytime of day.. literally. From what we could tell.. They are SUPER healthy.)
7. Having Satellite radio in our rental car and having cable in our hotel room. (Ok this may sound lame but for us it was a treat.)
8. The Vancouver Aquarium. (since we didn't see whales in the ocean the Aquarium helped us out by showing us a few.)
9. Shopping. (Ok they had an H&M..)
10. Being together. (Yes I know... cheesy but since we got married we haven't had much down time together. It was fun experiencing the adventure with my best friend.)
Overall we had an amazing time. It is a place i highly recommend you traveling to one day.
cable is my favorite thing about hotel rooms! ;)
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