Sunday, March 8, 2009

beautiful weekend.

Its been the most beautiful weekend. Not just the weather but the time i have gotten to spend with people has been beautiful.

Im thankful for my time with Sally. We haven't met since October? and had much to catch up on. She gives me practical real advice and questions me to get me thinking. Shes a great counselor, and is gifted at what she does. During our conversation about the future i was reminded to not let go of the things i have before me. Near the end of our conversation she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "i don't ever want to lose touch with any of you guys when leave, i know you're leaving but don't want to lose you" and it made me think. I don't want to lose touch with anyone here either. Its so easy to do so even being in the same city. Its had to remember to hold on to the moments we have right in front of us when things seem to drag on and become dull. I don't feel like im living for the future because i know its still a few years away but i do seem to let myself look past the now and to go through motions i have to do to complete what im doing here. The lord has put so many beautiful people and opportunities before me here. Even in the what i would call "mundane" and i need to hold on to them. They prepare me for the next step and what the future holds. I'm thankful for my friends and don't show it enough. I'm challenged by this.

Friday night i went to watch some friends play at Pour cafe. Jordan and Gabrielle sang and of course swept my heart away one more time.
My friend Kristen came with her roommate. I dunno why i worried about them coming but it was fun, they had fun, and i like being around her. The Lord is good and faithful. He reminded me he has things taken care of.. why do i forget this when he was the one who created life?

Saturday i hung out with Gabrielle. i adore her. We went to breakfast and literally did NOTHING all day. I mean we sat as much as we could. Even if it was sitting on a blanket on the quad to attempt at homework, we relaxed. I'm thankful for her. Shes relaxing to be around.

Im also thankful for house church. Gabriele and i decided last night we wanted to worship at her house this morning instead of going to church. haha. So we did. Davis Ann, She, and i just worshiped, prayed, and read the word together. It was good. The Lord has always put friends in my life to do this sort of thing with. I miss doing it as much as we used to and think it needs to happen more often.

Matt and I have been playing the question game a lot lately when we talk on the phone at night. We played it for like 2 weeks straight everyday when we first started liking each other and playing it again has been really fun.
I adore him.
6 days till i fly to Dallas.

I want to be a hippie again.

I want to adopt a baby.

and I want love like Jesus does.

She's just waiting for the summertime when the weathers fine -Jack Johnson


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